Manisha felt like she was staying in a nice hotel when she delivered her baby boy Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital. It’s just a few minutes from her home so convenience was a big factor in her decision of selecting Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital as her maternity hospital. But it wasn’t the location or the new facility that most impressed this first-time mother. Instead, she described the high level of Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital’s Service and how she was treated by everyone at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital as the best things about her experience.
Manisha was admitted to the Antepartum unit before she delivered baby boy. “I was on bed rest so I really got to know the staff,” Manisha recalled. “They would take time with me and help cheer me up when I was homesick. Everyone from the housekeepers and techs to the nurses listened not just to my needs but also to my wants. They really cared about what I wanted, even if that was to take a short walk.”
It was that caring attitude that made Manisha’s experience memorable. She describes that staff as very professional and knowledgeable while also being very warm, welcoming and giving of themselves. “I didn’t feel like they were just doing their job, it seemed more like a calling for them,” she added.
Manisha found that the staff was receptive to her choices and did everything they could to accommodate making those things happen in a timely manner. “They even had a lactation consultant in the recovery area to help me with breastfeeding because they knew that was important to me,” she said. “The facility is really nice, but to me it’s all about the service and how I am treated.”

Thanks to Dr. Poonam, Dr. Charu and whole Chaitanya team for best care.

Ms. Manisha

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