Tag: <span>Paediatrician</span>

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Tips for comparing the best pediatric hospitals in Chandigarh

Tips for comparing the best pediatric hospitals in Chandigarh

Infertility, maternal care, premarital counseling and child care are relevant aspects that everyone needs to talk about. If you are looking for childcare or gynecologist in Chandigarh, the number of options will definitely surprise you.  However, selecting the right hospital is more than important. We are not talking of clinics here, because most of them...

June 4, 2018December 19, 2023by
Find the Best Paediatrician in Chandigarh

Find the Best Paediatrician in Chandigarh

When it comes to your little ones, nothing but the very best will do. This is true of the medical care that they receive as well. You want to make sure that your little angel gets world-class health care from knowledgeable, caring, and experienced doctors. Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital provides an inviting, safe, and child-friendly environment...

May 28, 2018July 19, 2022by
Down Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Down Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND DIAGNOSIS OF DOWN SYNDROME Down syndrome is an ailment comprised of mental and physical traits, that derive its origin from a certain Down syndrome patients gene problem which initiates even before birth. Children diagnosed with Down syndrome usually show certain features that include short neck and flat face. Apart from physically evident...

March 21, 2018December 9, 2023by
What You Should Know About NICU

What You Should Know About NICU

The neonatal intensive care unit, also called the NICU, is an essential unit for infants. Premature babies and other infants born with sicknesses can often be kept in NICU for extensive care. When a child has anemia, breathing problems, apnea, feeding issues, hypoglycemia, sepsis and other health problems that need monitoring, you will be asked...

January 3, 2018December 19, 2023by
कहीं आप “हेलिकॉप्टर पैरेंट” तो नहीं?

कहीं आप “हेलिकॉप्टर पैरेंट” तो नहीं?

“हेलिकॉप्टर पैरेंट“ जी हाँ , ये टर्म हम उन पेरेंट्स के लिए उपयोग में लाते है जो अपने बच्चो की एक्टिविटीज में, उनकी लाइफ में बहुत ज्यादा दखल रखते है और उन्हें बहुत ज्यादा प्रोटेक्ट करते है। जिस तरह हेलिकॉप्टर किसी एक जगह के ठीक ऊपर रहकर वहाँ से उस जगह की हर एक एक्टिविटी को देख...

January 1, 2018December 19, 2023by
कंगारू मदर केयर – प्रीमैच्योर बेबी के लिए एक फायदेमंद तरीका

कंगारू मदर केयर – प्रीमैच्योर बेबी के लिए एक फायदेमंद तरीका

प्रीमेच्योर बेबी (प्रीमी) वह बच्चे होते हैं , जो आमतौर पर प्रेग्नेंसी के 37 हफ्ते से पहले पैदा होते हैं और समय से पहले जन्म लेने वाले इन शिशुओं का वजन भी काफी कम होता है ।ऐसे समयपूर्व जन्मे नवजात शिशु के बेहतर स्वास्थ्य तथा उसे कई तरह की बीमारियों से बचाने के लिए एक...

December 20, 2017December 19, 2023by
Treatment of Asthma in Children

Treatment of Asthma in Children

Asthma is known to be a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the airways by causing reversible, recurrent airway obstruction. The airway becomes inflamed leading to airway hypersensitivity making the airways narrow. This mostly causes due to different stimuli like cold air, exercise, allergens, etc. Some of the common symptoms would include: Difficulty in breathingWheezing Coughing...

December 11, 2017December 19, 2023by
Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Concussion in Children

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Concussion in Children

It is quite normal to see children running around the house for play and fun. But the happiness of seeing your child run around may also be coupled with fear when there is a chance of getting hurt. A head injury, under certain conditions,can be an unavoidable circumstance. Hence, it is a major concern for...

November 24, 2017December 19, 2023by
How can you identify ear infection in babies and treat it?

How can you identify ear infection in babies and treat it?

Ear infections can happen to babies at any time. It could be due to dust or cold too sometimes. When your child has ear infection, watch out for a few signs to know that they are in pain. Infants might just cry and probably point out at their ears. They could get a fever above...

September 18, 2017December 19, 2023by
Rotavirus Vaccine for Babies – Everything You Need to Know

Rotavirus Vaccine for Babies – Everything You Need to Know

Rota virus is a dangerous virus that causes severe diarrhea in young children, especially babies. The Rota virus vaccine protects your child from this harmful virus. Others side effects of the virus include fever, vomiting, dehydration that can lead to death. It is a very contagious virus that spreads easily through person-to-person contact. The sad...

July 26, 2017December 19, 2023by

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