Tag: <span>Neonatal care</span>

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How to improve maternal confidence in neonatal care?

How to improve maternal confidence in neonatal care?

Improve Maternal Confidence in Neonatal Care Maternal instinct is natural, but often, mothers have a hard time dealing with newborns, especially when the baby is prematurely born or has other health concerns. Experts of Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, which is also the best IVF hospital in Chandigarh, agree that neonatal care induces maternal confidence. Many studies...

June 25, 2018December 19, 2023by
Tips for comparing the best pediatric hospitals in Chandigarh

Tips for comparing the best pediatric hospitals in Chandigarh

Infertility, maternal care, premarital counseling and child care are relevant aspects that everyone needs to talk about. If you are looking for childcare or gynecologist in Chandigarh, the number of options will definitely surprise you.  However, selecting the right hospital is more than important. We are not talking of clinics here, because most of them...

June 4, 2018December 19, 2023by
‘I AM a lucky mother’ – Ms. Priya Ahuja

‘I AM a lucky mother’ – Ms. Priya Ahuja

Lucky Mother I had the perfect pregnancy. Typical nausea but not over the top. A couple of food items that the baby didn’t like that found their way back up. I loved being pregnant. I loved watching my belly grow. I even kept photo logs each week with what was new to help me remember...

January 25, 2018November 28, 2023by

‘Miracles do happen’: A mother shares her NICU success story

While sharing her story mother Umangpreet, who delivered baby Viha at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, prematurely shared her emotions when her baby had to be admitted to the NICU due to weight issues. She said: “My daughter was in NICU for 51 days and received good treatment. She came home healthy; thanks to the Motherhood Chaitanya...

October 13, 2017October 13, 2017by

How to Console a Crying Infant

To a mother who has known her baby’s rhythms since it was a fetus, nothing is a mystery. She will know what’s in the child’s heart and mind just with a glance. But a newborn baby still needs more attention, for it is still unaware of what is happening around him, even unacquainted to happiness,...

July 26, 2016December 11, 2023by

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