Category: <span>Neonatal Case</span>


Case 2 :- Parotid Abscess in Newborn

28 days full term male child born by normal vaginal delivery, presented with fever and swelling in parotid region. On examination parotid gland was swollen, overlying skin was inflamed and tender. On aspiration, pus was present. This was followed by surgical drainage under general anesthesia. Around 15-20m1 thick pus was drained. Staphylococus was isolated from...

April 14, 2016April 14, 2016by

Case 1:- Acute Gastric Perforation

Term Male baby with no h/o birth asphyxia presented on Day 2 of life with multiple vomittings, dehydration, decreased urine output and shock. Baby responded to fluid resusitation and inotropes but he developed abdomen distenston on Day 3 with distress, requiring ventilatory support. Abdomen X-Ray showed free gas under both domes of diaphragm and stomach...

April 14, 2016April 14, 2016by
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