Essential Tips for Ventilator Patients When it comes to a ventilator patient, you have to be extremely cautious of what you are doing. There are certain guidelines and care tips that need to be followed diligently. If you have to take care of a ventilator patient, and it is your shift for the day, here...
Why Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital Doctors Are on Call 24 Hours!
Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital have 24 Hours on Call Service Any reputed hospital will have doctors on call 24 hour as it is a must to keep a watch of the patients. Not every hospital might provide such a service due to lack of staff or professionalism, but it is a vital part of being a...
How To Choose Best Infertility Treatments Hospital in Chandigarh?
Infertility Treatments Hospital in Chandigarh Several fertility treatments are successful these days, and it is beneficial for many infertile couples, who wish to enjoy parenthood. When picking an infertility specialist in Chandigarh, you need to do your homework of removing all the details. It is vital to pick the perfect fertility clinic so that the...
Down Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments
SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND DIAGNOSIS OF DOWN SYNDROME Down syndrome is an ailment comprised of mental and physical traits, that derive its origin from a certain Down syndrome patients gene problem which initiates even before birth. Children diagnosed with Down syndrome usually show certain features that include short neck and flat face. Apart from physically evident...
Why Chandigarh is The Prime Destination For Maternity Services
Chandigarh is The Only Prime Destination For Maternity Services Chandigarh is one city in India which has made tremendous progress over the last couple of years in the field of healthcare. Particularly, when it comes to issues related to Maternity, it has some of the best hospitals and nursing homes in India. Baby and mother...
IVF: Success Tips Are you considering in vitro fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant? We offer some tips to help you and your partner relax during the IVF process and maximize your chances of getting pregnant. IVF Success Tip #1: Don’t wait until it’s too late. Age affects fertility. Some experts estimate that as many as 1...
Factors that can affect fertility!
What are the factors that can affect Fertility? It is said that about 20% women suffer from the problem of infertility and have troubles in becoming pregnant. There are several lifestyle habits that can contribute to this health hazard, and the rest are simply hereditary reasons. If you are having a tough time getting pregnant,...
यूरिन रोकना कैसे बन जाता है जानलेवा खतरा।
आज व्यस्तता भरे जीवन मे हम कही न कही अपने ऊपर ध्यान देना कम कर देते हैं। जिससे लाखों तरह की बीमारियां हमे घेर लेती हैं।आज लगभग 40% महिलाओं और 50% पुरुषों को उनके पूरे जीवनकाल में यूरिन इंफेक्शन होता हैं। खासतौर पर बच्चों की तुलना में वयस्कों में यूरिन इंफेक्शन अधिक पाया जाता हैं।...
आईवीएफ तकनीक से गूंजतीं हैं किलकारियां
दुनिया भर में 15 फीसदी दंपतियों को आती है संतानोत्पत्ति में परेशानी। आईवीएफ से हजारों घरों में किलकारी गूंज उठी है। आईवीएफ की सफलता की दर होती है काफी अधिक। उर्वरण विधि पूरी होने के बाद तैयार भ्रूण को इनक्युबेटर में रखा जाता है। दुनियाभर में 15 प्रतिशत से अधिक दम्पतियों को गर्भधारण में अड़चनें...
Why Your Skin Is So Attractive To Mosquitoes
Are mosquitoes always attacking you more than others? Here are some reasons why mosquitoes may target you more. 1.Mosquitoes Sense Ever wondered why mosquitoes target you more than they target others? Sometimes, mosquitoes can find you where you are least expecting them. Despite being in crowded locations, they may target you first. Here is a...