Fetal medicine specialist in Chandigarh | Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital

Do you know 1 OUT OF 25 new born
baby suffer from birth defects in India?
70% of birth defects can be prevented with
proper medical screening and care before,
during, and after pregnancy.
Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital has helped thousands of couples with high-risk pregnancy cases.
In this video, Dr. Poonam will answer all of your questions about Birth Defects
Testimonial by Mrs. Manpreet about NICU at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital.
Hear how happy Mrs. Manpreet and her husband are as they are going to take their baby home today. The baby was kept in the NICU Facility at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital for about 14 days. NICU or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a care unit specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants.
Here are some common Birth Defects in newborn babies
Brain and Heart defects are the most common and frequent in newborn babies.

Birth Defects
A birth defect is a problem that occurs when a baby is developing in utero (in the womb). They may affect appearance, organ function, and physical and mental development. Most birth defects are present within the first three months of pregnancy, when the organs are still forming.There are more than 4,000 different kinds of birth defects, ranging from minor ones that need no treatment to serious ones that cause disabilities or require medical or surgical treatment.
Birth Defects
A birth defect is a problem that occurs when a baby is developing in utero (in the womb). They may affect appearance, organ function, and physical and mental development. Most birth defects are present within the first three months of pregnancy, when the organs are still forming.There are more than 4,000 different kinds of birth defects, ranging from minor ones that need no treatment to serious ones that cause disabilities or require medical or surgical treatment.
How Maternal-Care prevent Birth Defects?

Preconception counseling
If you’re at risk for a complicated pregnancy due to advanced maternal age, previous preterm birth, or a health condition like diabetes, our team can help you understand the risks and plan a path to a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Ultrasound and prenatal diagnosis.
Our team can perform these tests to check the health of your growing baby during pregnancy. Non-Invasive tests – Ultrasound, Fetal Echo. Blood tests – Dual, Quad, NIPT. Invasive tests – Newborn screening with blood sample and hearing test post delivery

Care for multifetal pregnancy (twins or more)
Carrying more than one baby increases the risk for some complications, like preterm birth, discordant growth, TTTS, and above all these babies have high chances of birth effects. Whether you’re carrying twins or triplets or more. Our team can provide the expert care you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Newborn screening
Newborn screening done with Blood test (metabolic defects like thyroid) Hearing test (hearing loss) Pulse oximetry (critical heart defects).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fetal echo?
Fetal echo is a special ultrasound to evaluate the structure, function, and rhythm of Fetal heart done by a Paediatric Cardiologist. Ideally to be done along with anomaly scan or level 2 scan, but it can also be done between 18 to 22 weeks of gestational and even earlier if either parent has congenital heart disease or one child has congenital heart disease.
What is NT/NB scan?
This is an ultrasound done to screen you for your chances of having a baby with Down’s syndrome ( a type of mental retardation, occurs in 1 pregnancy out of 1000).
Who is a Maternal-fetal medicine specialist?
Maternal-fetal medicine specialist is an obstetrician with advanced knowledge and training in medical, surgical, obstetric, fetal and genetic complications of pregnancy and there effect on both woman and her fetus.
What is dual / quadruple test?
These are blood test done to screen you for your chances of having a baby with Down’s syndrome. The dual test is done between 10 to 13 wks 6 days. It has a detection rate of 60 to 70 %. But when combined with NT/ NB scan the detection rate increases to 90 %. Quadruple test is done between 16 to 20 wks. It has a detection rate of 70 to 75 %. It is offered if you miss your combined test of dual with NT scan.
What is Level 2 scan or anomaly scan?
This is an ultrasound done between 18 to 20 wks of pregnancy to check the body parts and internal organs of a fetus which are essential for us to live.
What is growth scan?
Any scan is done after 20 wks to assess fetal wt, blood flow, and liquor volume is a growth scan.
Contact Us
Ultrasound in Chandigarh || Fetal Medicine Ultrasound in Chandigarh || Screening in Pregnancy in Chandigarh || Target Scan in Chandigarh || Best NT Scan in Chandigarh || Abnormal Liver Function in pregnancy || Downs Syndrome || Double Marker Test in Chandigarh || Quadrapule Test in Chandigarh